Top 5 benefits of a good administrator

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1. Communication: A good administrator helps articulate the vision so people don’t have to wonder what the ministry, business, or event is all about. Administrators see the bigger picture and can communicate that to other departments, congregations, or the public. Once a clear vision and direction is established, a good administrator will work on guiding the staff and/or resources in that direction. A good administrator identifies who needs to know what and when. It doesn’t mean everyone needs to know everything at the same time, but it asks, “Who is impacted by this decision?” and then communicates the necessary information to those parties.

2. Efficiency: Although people are more important than procedures, salvation is more important than schedules, fellowship more important than forms, and prayer more important than policies, a good administrator will actually use these types of systems to dramatically increase the efficiency of an organization. For some leaders, the thought of being efficient when it comes to the vision may make them anxious, but it does have its place. For example, while it’s imperative to take your time when discipling people or praying through issues, implementing a schedule will help avoid double booking yourself.

3. Structure: Do you want to use your people, your resources, and your time as effectively as possible? Then you’ll need a good administrator to establish the right structure for your organization, resulting in proper stewardship of the things God has given you to be successful. A good administrator will be able to see how the various parts of an organization can work together and complement one another without sacrificing the essential elements of each. A good administrator will establish a structure so everyone knows where they fit in the organization and can see themselves going. A good administrator will also put a system in place for evaluating the effectiveness of various programs in your ministry or business. Without a system like this, you will likely end up overestimating the effectiveness of some areas and underestimating the effectiveness of others.

4. Balance: A good administrator will help to provide focus and steer all necessary efforts in the right direction making the most with what you have, thereby avoiding imbalances in many different areas. For example, healthy administrative systems will allow leaders some time off so that they don’t end up burning themselves out. In addition, good administrative systems will provide balance between various departments vying for limited budget dollars. We all need balance, and it’s really only when there are intentional systems put in place that balance can be reached. Otherwise, your attention is pulled in too many areas and nothing is done well.

5. Preparation: A good administrator will look to the future and help you prepare for it. Strategic planning for growth, budgeting, emergency planning, or leadership succession all require good administration in order for you to move in the right direction. Without a good administrator, all vision will simply be that: vision. It will never turn into reality. Being prepared for what you see may happen or could happen is not only responsible, it’s also Biblical. Some people are very natural at seeing the details, and some people are not. A good administrator helps to ensure that those little, but necessary, details are looked after.

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