Are You Ready?

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I would ask my clients this question as they’re about to launch their business, pitch their product, preach a sermon, meet a prospect, hit the stage, or take a test. “You got this,” I would say. But the reactions would vary 👀🤷🏽‍♀️😱🤯🤪😭. I’ve been there too. You see “ready” is a tricky word when it comes to following Jesus and doing His will. Why? Because there’s a huge difference between feeling ready and being ready.

The Bible recounts several stories of people who didn’t feel ready to do what God called them to do, but God never asked them whether they felt ready. He simply decided they were ready, then He called them, and He told them what to do. And the ones who obeyed the call of God even when they didn’t feel ready are regarded today as Heroes of Faith! Heroes like Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Sarah (Hebrews 11).

Haven’t we all been there? When we had to step up or step out before we felt we were ready. I didn’t feel ready to lead my team, but God called me, so I accepted the position. I didn’t feel ready to preach, I but God said preach, so I did. I didn’t feel ready to start my consulting firm, but God teach them, so here I am. 🚨News Flash🚨Feelings don’t move God, but FAITH does! It’s impossible to please God without faith. Impossible is often God’s starting point in using us for His glory. Impossible is often where we discover God’s perspective of feeling ready vs. being ready.

When we learn to focus on who God is rather than on what we’re not, we can then begin to get clarity on His vision for our lives. You will begin to see that it is God who is working in us to give the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. (Phil 2:13). As we learn to submit to His training, He transforms our thinking, so we can transition into His purpose from glory to glory! God’s work in and through us is always growing and expanding. Christ in us becomes an unstoppable force and it spills out and overflows into the lives of others.

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